Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tips on Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation

Tips on Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation One of the first steps in learning Mandarin Chinese is becoming accustomed to the languages pronunciation. Learning how to pronounce Mandarin Chinese helps with speaking and listening skills as it is a tonal language.   What Makes a Syllable? The Mandarin language has 21 consonants and 16 vowels. They can be combined together to create more than 400 mono-syllabic sounds. There are also four tones that change the meaning of the syllable, so in theory, there are about 1600 possible syllables. Only around 1000 of these are commonly used, however, which means that Mandarin words actually are more similar than words in English. Similar to English, you should learn to hear the tone differences and work on learning how to pronounce Chinese sounds. Sound Chart Here is a chart of the 37 sounds of Mandarin with a sound clip of each. Practice these as much as you can- they will provide the foundation learning how to pronounce Mandarin. The sounds are given in Pinyin, but please be aware that each letter does not represent just one sound.  Just like how in English, the vowel a is pronounced differently in different cases. For example, compare the more nasally-sounding ant to the elongated a in at. There are also  many tricky cases you need to learn  in Chinese! Pinyin Explanation Sound Clip b similar to 'b' in the English 'boat' - softened to approach a 'p' sound audio p similar to 'p' in the English 'top' - with more aspiration audio m same as 'm' in the English 'mat' audio f same as 'f' in the English 'fat' audio d similar to 'd' in the English 'down' - softened to approach a 't' sound audio t similar to 't' in the English 'top' - with more aspiration audio n similar to 'n' in the English 'name' audio l similar to 'l' in the English 'look' audio g similar to 'g' in the English 'go' - softened to approach a 'k' sound audio k similar to 'k' in the English 'kiss' - with more aspiration audio h similar to 'h' in the English 'hope' - with a slight rasp as in 'loch' audio j similar to 'j' in the English 'jeep' - tongue is positioned below lower teeth audio q similar to 'ch' in the English 'cheap' - tongue is positioned below lower teeth audio x similar to 'sh' in the English 'sheep' - tongue is positioned below lower teeth audio zh similar to 'j' in the English 'jam' audio ch similar to 'ch' in the English 'cheap' audio sh similar to 'sh' in the English 'ship' audio r similar to 'z' in the English 'azure' audio z same as 'ds' in the English 'woods' audio c similar to 'ts' in the English 'bits' audio s similar to 's' in the English 'see' audio (y)i similar to 'ee' in the English 'bee' audio (w)u similar to 'oo' in the English 'room' audio yu purse your lips and position the tongue high and forwards audio a similar to 'ah' in the English 'Ah-hah!' audio (w)o similar to 'or' in the English 'bore' audio e similar to 'er' in the English 'hers' audio (y)e similar to the English 'Yay!' audio ai similar to the English 'eye' audio ei similar to 'ei' in the English 'weigh' audio ao similar to 'au' in the English 'sauerkraut' audio ou similar to 'ou' in the English 'dough' audio an similar to 'an' in the English 'fan' audio en similar to 'un' in the English 'under' audio ang a Mandarin 'a' followed by the 'ng' sound like in the English 'sing' audio eng a Mandarin 'e' followed by the 'ng' sound like in the English 'sing' audio er a Mandarin 'e' with the tongue curled back audio

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Idioms and Expressions for the Verb Talk

Idioms and Expressions for the Verb Talk Talk is a common verb in English which can also be used as a noun. Talk is also used in a wide variety of idiomatic expressions. Listed below you will find an idiom or expression with talk with a definition and two example sentences to help to understand through context. Big Talk Definition: (noun) exaggerated claims Hes full of big talk, but he rarely does what he claims. Is that just big talk, or do you think its actually true? Give Someone a Talking to Definition: (verbal phrase) speak strongly to someone, berate someone She gave her daughter a talking to after she got home after midnight. Come in this room! You need a talking to! Heart-to-heart Talk Definition: (noun) serious discussion Jane and I had a great heart-to-heart talk last weekend. Now I understand her. Have you had a heart-to-heart talk with your wife yet? Jive Talk Definition: (noun) something stated that is obviously not true Come on Tim! Thats just jive talk. Stop the jive talk and tell me something interesting. Money Talks Definition: (idiomatic phrase) the most important thing is money Dont forget that money talks, so everything else doesnt matter. In the end money talks so your business needs to be profitable as soon as possible. Pep Talk Definition: (noun) a short discussion intended to motivate someone The coach gave the players a pep talk during halftime. My wife gave me a pep talk to help me with my job interview. Straight Talk Definition: (noun) a discussion that is completely honest, often discussing difficult issues Tom gave me straight talk at the meeting which I appreciated greatly. Id like to hear some straight talk on the investment opportunities. Talk a Blue Streak Definition: (verbal phrase) speak quickly and at length Maria talked a blue streak at the party. It was hard to say anything. Be careful when speaking with Tom, he talks a blue streak. Talk Big Definition: (verb) make large claims and boasts Take everything he says with a grain of salt. He talks big. Youre talking big today. Could you please be a bit more realistic? Talking Head Definition: (noun) expert on television The talking heads feel the economy is going to improve. They hired a talking head to represent them on TV talk shows. Talk Like Nut Definition: (verbal phrase) say things that make little sense Dont talk like a nut! Thats crazy. Shes talking like a nut. Dont believe a word she says. Talk On the Big White Phone Definition: (verbal phrase) to vomit into the toilet Doug drank too much so hes talking on the big white phone. Shes in the bathroom talking on the big white phone. Talk Through Ones Hat Definition: (verbal phrase) speak carelessly and tell lies Hes talking through his hat. Dont believe a word he says. Unfortunately, Jane often talks through her hat, so you cant believe anything. Talk to Hear Ones Own Voice Definition: (verb phrase) speak in order to hear oneself, find joy in speaking too much Henry talks to hear his own voice. It gets boring after a while. He lost a few of his friends because he talks to hear his own voice. Talk Turkey Definition: (verbal phrase) talk serious business, talk frankly Its time to talk turkey about the business. Peter, we need to talk turkey. Talk Until You Are Blue In the Face Definition: (verbal phrase) speak at length without influencing others Theres no need to try to convince her. Youll just talk until you are blue in the face. I talked until I was blue in the face, but it didnt help.